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2. Project Coordinator Recruitment and Induction


Recruitment of the Project Coordinator is the responsibility of the Archive Service Project Lead.

As can be seen from the Project Gantt, the Project Coordinator is responsible for most of the actions in the Initiation Phase, for running all the workshops – with the support of staff, volunteers and creative consultations – and reporting to the Project Board.

Employment of the right Project Coordinator goes a long way to ensuring that your Change Minds project is successful.

To assist the recruitment process, a job description and person specification, and suggested questions to use at interview are included.


As soon as they are able to, the Project Lead should send the Hub the email address of the Project Coordinator. They will then add the Project Coordinator to the system and send them a password so that they can access resources on the Change Minds website from their first day working on the project.

The Project Coordinator will require an induction into the Archive Service, this will be the responsibility of the Project Lead and should be delivered in their first week. During this period they should also familiarize themselves with the Initiation Phase section of the website.

The Project Coordinator will require an email address for use in the project. If it is not feasible to set up an internal email account a Gmail or similar account should be set up using the format changeminds[initials/name]@… The email address will be required for the project recruitment leaflet

A Change Minds induction will be provided as part of the Change Minds Hub training day. This should be booked with the Hub for the second week of the Project Coordinator’s contract.

Before the Change Minds Hub training day, the Project Coordinator should familiarise themselves with this website. In particular they should read the information about Prepare for Evaluation (Step 8) and Preparing for the Workshops (Step 11)

A summary of the Change Minds Programme is given below or can be downloaded .

Workshop NumberWorkshop NameOverview
1Introduction to Change MindsIntroduction to the Change Minds project and to the archive service.
2Reading Archives and Choosing a Research SubjectParticipants learn how to read handwritten records and select a case record to research.
3Handling Documents and Beginning ResearchParticipants are introduced to basic conservation procedures and handling techniques, along with beginning to research their case record.
4Research Participants will learn the skills needed for archival research and will look into the life of their chosen case record.
5Further ResearchThis workshop will allow participants to continue their research pathways from the previous workshops, whilst also introducing further options for research.
6Participant Research TripParticipants will be able to contextualise what they have learned by visiting a historical site or collecting organisation.
7Creative WorkshopLed by the relevant creative workshop facilitator, participants use what they have learned about their patient as the trigger for creativity.
8Creative Workshop ContinuationLed by the creative workshop facilitator, participants use what they have learned about their case record as the trigger for creativity in a particular medium or continue their research.
9Creative WorkshopThe participants will continue to develop their creative response
10Creative Workshop Continuation Led by the creative workshop facilitator, participants use what they have learned about their case record as the trigger for creativity in a particular medium or continue their research.
11Final Showcase PreparationPlanning of the showcase event, also the opportunity to finish research and creative responses.
12Final Showcase EventParticipants, staff and guests reflect on and celebrate their shared and individual Change Minds journeys.