3. Room Booking, Resources and Risk Assessment
Room Booking
Once a time and day of the week have been agreed with the Mental Health Service Partner, a room should be booked for the delivery of workshops 1-5 and 7-12 The room should be booked for at least half an hour before the Workshop starts. The room should be booked for a minimum of 3.5 hours. This allows 2.5 hours for workshop delivery with half an hour before and after for room set up/clearing and accommodating early arrivals/late departures.
Each workshop should be delivered at the same time, on the same day and in the same room.
Resources: Staffing
The Project Coordinator provides continuity – a familiar face – for each Workshop. However, they will need the support of another person when workshops are being delivered. This is to ensure the health and safety of participants (e.g if the Project Coordinator needs to leave the room) and to engage with participants during the workshop so that no-one feels isolated or left out.
This second person can vary from session to session and might be a volunteer, a support worker, a creative consultant delivering a workshop or a member of staff.
A Volunteer Role Description can be found here.
Resources: Secure Storage
Enrolment Forms, the Participant Register and complete Evaluation Forms, all contain sensitive personal data and must be held securely until they are destroyed. What should happen with each of these documents is detailed in the Retention Schedule.
Resources: Petty Cash
At each Workshop, some participants will need their travel costs reimbursed. It is essential that this happens on the day.
If the Archive Service has its own petty cash system it should be used. However, if it doesn’t and petty cash is being provided by the Change Minds Hub, disbursements should be recorded on the Change Minds Petty Cash Ledger. At the end of the project this Ledger should be returned to the Hub, along with any cash remaining, once all payments to participants have been made.
Risk Assessment
A Risk Register should be maintained throughout the project and reviewed at each Project Board meeting.
A template for a risk register is available here. It includes a number of risks which will apply to any Change Minds project and, at the top, an example of how the risk register should be completed – the Risk Score columns automatically completes by multiplying likelihood by impact. It then assigns a RAG rating (red, amber, green) to the risk. After measures have been put in place to manage any risks, the Mitigated Risk Score in the final column should be rated amber or green.
All Change Minds projects will have different risks, so any specific to your project should be added to the Risk Register